Monday, October 10, 2011


Here are some notable facts about the public-private divide in Memphis politics, that, while by no means exhaustive, can provide points of inspiration:

*In recent months, a bloc of members of the city council and the Mayor have launched an all-out attack on city employees, starting with an effort to privatize the sanitation department and continuing with an illegal deduction of 4.6% of the salaries of public workers that came after good-faith negotiations and contracts already signed. Such policies mean reduced services, salaries, benefits, and numbers for:

*police *sanitation workers
*firefighters *parks services

They’ve even outsourced towing, which, like all privatization efforts, means laying off workers and costs the city more than keeping such services in-house.

*The city has claimed a ‘budget crisis’ even though it is sitting upon over $75 million in its reserve fund and gives millions to private ‘development’ efforts. They have used this so-called crisis to slash funding to public services, which has meant reduced facilities, workers, and hours for:

*parks *libraries
*code enforcement *community centers

*The city’s donation of $215 million to Bass Pro for its planned takeover of The Pyramid has led once again to questions about why our city continues to fund private businesses and buildings with public funds. As public assistance (‘welfare’) is disappearing, such ‘corporate welfare’ is becoming the norm.

*Most decisions about the city’s spending of large sums of public monies are undertaken with absolutely no public input or debate. The voices of the people who will be most affected by such policies -- the raising of bus fares or the displacement of people in areas of ‘redevelopment’ (i.e. gentrifcation) – go unheard.

*Through the PILOT (payment-in-lieu-of-taxes) program, the city has given away a quarter of a billion dollars since 2007. Companies receive huge tax breaks – public money being given away – to provide a certain number of jobs, etc., with no system of accountability, as businesses are just supposed to monitor themselves.

*While 40% of Memphians do not have private transport, our city’s bus system is deficient, providing inadequate services and an outdated system of routes that were originally designed to take African-American ‘domestics’ out to suburban homes in East Memphis. Instead of improving bus services, the city is working towards the development of an expensive ‘light rail’ system that will primarily move businesspersons and tourists from the airport to the Central Business District (i.e. downtown).

*The priorities within housing issues are similarly skewed, as federal grant projects provide excuses to tear down public housing in areas that developers find appealing, and to displace and scatter long-time residents to the outskirts of the city. There is no pretense that public housing needs will be served by the city, as head of Memphis Housing Authority, Robert Lipscomb, declared to The Memphis Flyer that he hopes Memphis “will eliminate public housing from our vocabulary” (18 March 2011).

*The local chapter of Food not Bombs has been serving free meals to the homeless in Court Square every Saturday afternoon for over ten years. In 2010, the Center City Commission started taking steps to kick Food not Bombs out of Downtown. The CCC’s Jerome Rubin told a Food not Bombs member that the group was encouraging unruly behavior in the park and thereby discouraging people from renting the $1500 condominiums that line the park. Meanwhile, a recent city ordinance confines panhandling to a 2’x2’ mat, while the Mayors’ own Plan to End Homelessness goes unfunded.

*We acknowledge that there are instances in which the divide between ‘public’ and ‘private’ is not as neat as we have outlined here. For example, in city officials’ schemes, ‘business’ is equivalent to ‘big business’, such that the interests of local small business owners are rarely considered.

Artists and practioners, individuals and collectives, can address any of the preceding dimensions of the public-private divide in our city and in the city government’s priorities or suggest your own topic along these lines.

The event will be comprised of offerings that people can peruse as well as performance pieces. Submissions may include:

*paintings *dance
*video *music
*projected images *slam poetry
*installation art *narrative or monologue
*photography *posters or other graphic design/art
*film *sculpture


Branston, John. “The End of Public Housing in Memphis.” 18 March 2011.

‘Food not Bombs harassed in downtown Memphis’



private: adj. 1384, pryvat. distinctive, set apart, apart from public life, belonging to an individual, to deprive one of

public: adj. pupplik. open to general observation, sight or knowledge, concerning the people as a whole, pertaining to the people

The ‘public’ is under assault in cities across the country, and Memphis is no exception.
Whether in the attempted privatization of our city's sanitation department, the consistent under-funding of the public school system, or the city ordinance confining panhandling to a 2’ X 2’ mat, the script remains the same: our local government privileging the private at the expense of the public, therefore greatly diminishing the quality of our collective life.

We want to reverse this trend; this multi-disciplinary artistic and performance event aims to expose the terrain of the problem, including its raced, classed, and gendered dimensions, and to suggest possible avenues for its resistance.

We seek all forms of artistic texts, including visual art, performance, dance, music, or installation, by individuals or groups, that address any aspect of this topic.

Any artist(s) needing specific information or statistics about examples of privatization in Memphis can check the blog: or consult with us at


via email-
Send -photographs of proposed works
-dimensions of proposed works
         -a short artist statement
-your contact information: name, address, email address, phone number

OR via daily mail
Send all items listed above to

3780 Shirlwood Ave.
Memphis, TN 38122

*Please note that photographs and information will not be returned



Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Memphis 1968 and Now" Performance Piece outside of City Hall


Imagine a large wooden board that stands alone with the word “Sacrifice?” across the top; numbers and the explanations of the statistics* they represent are posted all along this board.  Extending out from the board are strips of white duct tape that run on the ground from the board to four metal trash cans, staggered at various points from the board.  The entire performance space is around 10’ X 10’.  Each trash can has a large number on it, which corresponds to one of the statistics on the board.

A man in a suit, carrying a briefcase with ‘corporate privatization’ painted on the side, enters the space and sees an “I AM A MAN” sign propped up against one of the trash cans.  In disgust, he throws the sign into the can.  As he places the lid on the can, you hear the muffled oration of Dr. King's last speech, "I've Been to the Mountaintop." A lid on a nearby trash can pops off; the speech becomes loud and clear.  Shocked and embarrassed, he runs over and replaces that lid, while another can’s lid pops off and we hear speeches from the recent union press conference.  This cycle continues, with ‘the suit’ replacing lids, and audio from sanitation workers’ speeches and from Dr. King’s speech being heard as trash can lids pop off with increasing rapidity.  Eventually, he places his briefcase in one of the trash cans and sits down in defeat.

*numbers on the four trash cans and their corresponding statistics:

0% = the amount of salary increase to which the sanitation workers have agreed for the past three years.

$0 = the amount of a sanitation worker’s pension

1300 (crossed out) with 500 underneath represents the number of sanitation workers in 1968 and today, respectively

550= the number of households whose trash one worker is responsible for every day (average)




Monday, June 13, 2011


Hi everyone,
We'll be meeting tonight at 7 at Caritas (2509 Harvard Ave)
The meeting is open to all who are interested, so feel free to bring friends!

here is a tentative agenda for the meeting. Feel free to add anything to the list. hope I didn't skip over anything.

Upcoming Events

1. discuss help with Adhoc Collective performance art project.
2. Potential exhibit geared at a sort of labor history of Memphis, a dialogue of it's ideological and concrete relevance to our city today. Potential of using images/ documents and audio from the labor archives at Uof M.
3. Talk about the potential of Guerrilla Theatre
4. 21st sanitation demonstration- maybe make 4X 6 signs on the stage me and natalie built.

1 Catch up with Manifesto.
2. Re state the structure of the group, as we will be working with more and more people (hopefully) and will need to have a clear understanding in the function and goals of the group.

Discuss groups/communities/individuals to build connections with
1. Discuss it.

Third Image
1. Further discuss the possibility of a Film sub-commitee of RAM
2. start discussing/planning future screenings/discussions.

Community Poetry Workshop
1. Should we, should we not? bring up ideas.

New Ideas
1. discuss and brainstorm any new/potential ideas. Would be good to start a collection of ideas virtually ready to go so one we are rolling we will have lots of options.



-PS- Bennett wants to know if anybody has or knows where to access a sheet of either fabric or paper that is 5X30 feet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Face Homelessness Guerilla Art

As of yesterday, 6 life size, faceless cutouts which represent people experiencing homelessness were installed at different locations in Memphis, including The National Civil Rights Museum, The Memphis Housing Authority office, and Overton Park's Veteran plaza.  Over the next three weeks, we would like to continue to dispense more of these around town.

posted by: Keith

Friday, April 29, 2011


Hello all, 
this show looks amazing, be sure to catch it tonight! 

The photography exhibition of photographs taken by members of the Memphis homeless community.

Disposable cameras were passed out to empower through artistic expression and this is the show of the unique perspective of our Memphis. We hope it will can be a catalyst in the discussion about homelessness in Memphis.

Check out our website for more info // Pictures from last year's show!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Trolley Night! <2 blocks from MusicFest!
                                                                   409 S. Main
                                                                   Memphis, TN

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Juliano Mer-Khamis, Palestinian peace activist and theatre director, killed yesterday

about Juliano's project, The Freedom Theatre:
The Freedom Theatre - a theatre and cultural centre in Jenin Refugee Camp - is developing the only professional venue for theatre and multimedia in the north of the West Bank in Occupied Palestine. Since it opened its doors in 2006, the organisation continues to grow, develop and expand, enabling the young generation in the area to develop new and important skills which will allow them to build a better future for themselves and for their society.

Empowering Children And Youth

Having grown up amidst a violent military occupation, the young generation in the Jenin area struggle with ongoing fears, depression and trauma. At the same time, few opportunities exist for these youngsters to find positive and creative outlets for their emotions which can allow them to develop a healthy and meaningful sense of themselves and their surroundings.
The Freedom Theatre therefore offers children, youth and young adults in the Jenin area a safe space in which they are free to express themselves, to explore their creativity and emotions through culture and arts. It provides them with opportunities to develop the skills, self-knowledge and confidence which can empower them to challenge present realities and to speak out in their own society and beyond.

Creating Change

The benefits of cultural activities nevertheless go far beyond the individual. Having endured the hardships of an ongoing, violent military occupation, Palestine today is a shattered society and the population struggles with increasing isolation, fragmentation and disillusion. Countering these trends, The Freedom Theatre believes that theatre and the arts have a crucial role to play in building up a free and healthy society.
By encouraging freedom of expression and respect for individual rights, cultural activities break taboos, stimulate cooperation and enhance understanding of the other. Both for artist and audience, the creative process consists of imagining alternatives, rearranging reality and accepting new ways of life. In societies that reward obedience over initiative and following rules over experiementation, this is radical. In theatre it can also be magical.

Care And Learning

The vision of The Freedom Theatre builds upon a unique project, Care and Learning, run by Arna Mer Khamis in Jenin Camp during the First Intifada. Her work was documented in the film Arna's Children , directed by Juliano Mer Khamis - Arna's son who is today the General Director of The Freedom Theatre.
Arna's project focused on using theatre and arts to address children's immediate trauma, chronic fears and depression - all results of a violent Occupation. At the same time, the fierce and energetic humanity of this woman, who was born to a Jewish family and who had chosen to live and work among the Palestinians, challenged the children with possibilities for an alternative reality. The Stone Theatre, which was built as part of Arna's project, was destroyed in the Israeli invasion of the camp in 2002.

About the death of Juliano Mer-Khamis:

Pressure On China to Release Dissident Artist (NY Times)

Ai Weiwei, Chinese artist and vocal government critic was arrested sunday morning and hasn't been heard from since.

full article:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Donate to Support the Efforts of the Union Supporters

from the Memphis International Solidarity Committee blog last night: 
"Memphis International Solidarity Committee (“MISC”) members gathered with over one thousand Tennesseans in Nashville today in protest against an anti-labor bill similar to those in Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states. During a Senate Committee meeting, MISC members raised their voices in unity to draw attention to the bill, which would limit labor unions’ ability to collect dues and even strike. They chanted, “The people united will never be defeated.”

Five MISC members were arrested. Sally Joyner, Bennett Foster, Paul Garner, Jeffery Lichtenstein, Justin Sledge, and two others, Abbey Shoaf, and Ash-Lee Henderson were forcibly detained and arrested by Tennessee Capitol Police. They have been charged with resisting arrest as well as disorderly conduct. MISC recognizes that the fight for democracy and economic justice are one and the same. We stand in solidarity with those detained this evening and all those who struggle for justice everywhere."

Their bail, set at $2000 each, was covered by the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center. Please join union members, activists, and other Tennesseans by sharing in this cost.  Small and large donations are welcome.


Just wanted to remind everyone about the Beehive Collective storytelling/workshop event this friday from 7-9 at Caritas Village. We're really excited to have them. 

Here's some more info about the event:
To quote the bees, "Our most recent graphic maps out stories of mountain top removal coal mining, climate change, and their impacts on both human and ecological communities. We are excited to bring this graphic and story to Gulf Coast states because of the close parallels with the BP oil spill and other fossil fuel extraction happening in your region."

To find out more about the Beehive Collective:

Link to facebook event page:

Here's a map to Caritas: 

In solidarity and love,
Natalie / Radical Arts Memphis 

7 Arrested at TN Capitol Protesting for Worker Rights

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Memphis Labor Backers Arrested In Nashville!!!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Those arrested from Memphis:

Sally Joyner
Bennett Foster
Paul Garner
Justin Sledge
Jeffrey Lichtenstein

Come home soon!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Slavoj Zizek: what does it mean to be a revolutionary today

To me, the most important part of this for our purposes here at Radical Arts Memphis is the one regarding the revolutionizing of Marx's conception of the proletariat. He argues for the realization of the proletariat as not simply "the worker" but the revolutionary subject proper. Meaning, here in Late capitalism, we must realize the existential oppression, alienation, and deprivation of the majority of citizens (both in this nation and on a global scale) as proof that we are all always already the proletariat, "deprived of all substantial content". To become the revolutionary subject is not simply to be an oppressed worker, but to realize the latent potential for revolution within us and begin fighting against that which deprives us.We should make it our top priority, through education, social organization, and  cultural revolution, to achieve such a realization collectively and stand in solidarity with workers, students, and any persons involved in direct action against oppression worldwide. 


Radical Arts Memphis

Friday, February 11, 2011

Call To Artists!!!

New Event!

Theme: Domestic Violence

This is a call to everyone interested in participating in this forum. All work welcome for review. More details coming in the future. I am working out some kinks in the planning aspect of this event, so any suggestions are welcome. Please, please, please, send all work and/or thoughts to either: or

In Solidarity,

Keith, Radical Arts Memphis


Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has resigned from his post, handing over power to the armed forces and ending a 30-year grip on the largest Arab nation.
Omar Suleiman, the vice-president, announced in a televised address on Friday that the president was "waiving" his office, and had handed over authority to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.
Suleiman's short statement was received with a roar of approval and by celebratory chanting and flag-waving from a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Cairo's Tahrir Square, as well as by other pro-democracy campaigners who attending protests across the country.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mubarak May Step Down Today

In an interview with CNN minutes ago, Dr. Hossam Badrawy, the secretary-general of Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party, confirmed that President Hosni Mubarak is currently discussing the possibility of transferring power to his vice president, Omar Suleiman.

  - Keith Rash, Radical Arts Memphis

(edit: I guess not!) - KR

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Radical Arts Memphis will be having a meeting this Thursday at 6:00 at Caritas Village. We'll be discussing a few upcoming events and reviewing the show on Friday, but most importantly, we want to discuss ideas for the future actions of Radical Arts Memphis.

hope to see you there!

-Natalie / Radical Arts Memphis

Monday, February 7, 2011

More Photos from "Art In Response"

Howdy All,

 If you missed the show this past Friday, then woe to you, was awesome. Thank you all for attending. You helped make this event spectacular! Not to shabby for an idea that was only a week and a half old at show time, if I say so myself. Here are some images I took of the event:

P.S. -

I got some great pics from the Pro-Egypt rally held Saturday

It was a beautiful thing... 

Stay tuned for more announcements, entry calls, and events

Keith Rash - Radical Arts Memphis
Art IS Activism

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Solidarity Demonstration and the Art in Response Show

Wow, so much to report. First of all, a word from Paul Garner on the solidarity demonstration held this saturday: 

"Saturday February 5th, 2011, as the popular uprisings in Egypt and across the Arab world continue, we stood in solidarity with the Egyptian people at the intersection of Poplar and Highland. Thanks to the swift co-operation and organization of The Mid-south Peace and Justice Center, Radical-Arts-Memphis and the Memphis SP, there was a huge turnout-I’d say at least 50 or 60 total, which included many members of the local Arab community who brought HUGE signs! We got there at around 12:00 noon and were there in force til almost three o clock. We got coverage from the local media and a huge show of support from passing traffic. It was encouraging and well, bad-ass to see so many different people come out and let the community know that this is something they should be aware of, that as global citizens, we cannot ignore the collective struggle of our brothers and sisters. 
I’d like to thank everyone who was able to be a part of the Rally on Saturday and encourage others to get involved….There’s some strong winds beginnin' to blow in Memphis!

More Good Things To Come
-Paul Garner"

and here's some photos: 

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Art in Response show! The show was a huge success, we had a great crowd, good conversations, and an awesome buffet of chips (ha). We'll be having more events soon-a Radical Arts Memphis meeting, a screening and another art show are in the works. so stay tuned! 

Here's some photos-


- Natalie / Radical Arts Memphis